9 Common Interior Design Mistakes to Avoid

9 Common Interior Design Mistakes to Avoid

9 Common Interior Design Mistakes to Avoid

The interior design of a home is an important process executed by expert designers. An interior designer relentlessly studies and works hard for years in the interior designing industry to become a  professional. These designers accurately know how to tackle issues that keep cropping up here and  there. Everyone makes mistakes and so can people without knowledge and experience. In case you  are planning to design your home all by yourself, the task can be quite cumbersome and draining. Hiring an expert will help you mistakes that can otherwise lead to a waste of time and money.

Here, we have listed the 10 common interior design mistakes to avoid

1. Poor lighting

What can be more awful than a poorly lit home? It is a common mistake to  overlook its importance or just rely on overhead lighting. It can make even the most wonderful  aesthetic designs look bad. For this reason, many interior designers choose to go for layered  lighting that makes the lighting look creative, bright and natural. It creates a pleasurable and desirable ambience in the house. It can be a mix of portable lights, pendant lights, decorative  lights and accent lights to create subtle, elegant and gentle settings.

2. Improper space layout

The basic task of space layout can go wrong making things look  cluttered. It is a major reason why people hire interior designers as they themselves cannot  plan a space layout like a professional. An interior designer takes into account the functioning,  furniture placements and the designs for a space while making a layout. They ensure that your  kitchen, patio, bedrooms and living rooms are not gorgeous spaces but are well planned and  there isn’t any wastage of space. Designers use a blend of colour, texture, decor, balance and  harmony to make a space reflect the personality of its owners with a proper space layout.

3. Accessory arrangement

People think that arrangement of accessories is common work and  doesn’t need any expertise. Rather it can make a significant impact on the interior design and  needs to be done through precise planning and harmony with the design. For instance, adding  all or too many accessories to a room can take away its charm, making it look overcrowded.  While scattering them randomly can make it look disorganized. So, interior designers arrange  accessories as per their design and functions. Also, they keep into consideration their shape,  texture, use, colour, height and balance.

4. Moving without a plan

The most basic mistake can be moving ahead with the interior design  work without a plan. One cannot deny that it is vital for getting the right size of furniture and  designing the spaces as per its functionality without hampering the designs. An interior design  without a plan can be disorganized, unbalanced, cluttered and random that won’t seem  meaningful. To avoid this mistake, interior designers always begin their work by preparing and  finalizing an interior design after conversations with a client and keeping the organization at  its core. A planned and organized interior design will have a smooth flow, pleasant ambience,  perfect design styles and better functionality.

5. Overdoing design trends

It is common for people to like multiple design trends and try to  include all of them in a home. But they fail to understand that overdoing design trends will  take away the charm that a personalised space has. Interior designs easily understand this  tendency of people but avoid the overdoing by using just a few cohesive design trends to  create a desirable space.

6. Wrong colour palette

To design a more elegant home and with a fear of going wrong with  bold colours, people choose neutral hues. Although it can be a good idea to use white or other  light colours, there will always be a need for adding a tint of bright colour to make it livelier.  For this reason, interior designers use bold colour palettes and they have expert knowledge  about using the right colour scheme without making things go wrong. Also, they make sure  that the colours are in harmony with the fabrics, furniture and rest of the decor.

6. Furniture

Another obvious mistake people make is the use of wrong-sized and improper  placement of furniture. It can result in a cluttered place that takes away the beauty of the  design styles. While an interior designer measures the spaces and prepares a furniture layout  to avoid adding unnecessary furniture and its improper placement. Their talented, skilled and  creative approach helps to make a space look great without intervening in the flow of a room.

7. Insufficient use of balcony

Balcony is often the favourite place in the home for most of the  residents. It is the best escape for a break from the enclosed walls into the natural  environment amid a busy city. But, people fail to make efficient use of a balcony. An interior  design can add more innovation to it. They can transform it in multiple ways like making it a  leisure corner, kitchen or herb garden, outdoor lounge, drinks corner or extending the living  space.

8. Going wrong with metals

Adding a little touch of metals to decor is the perfect addition to a luxurious home. But people end up with bad designs when they overdo metals. It is a risky  design element that needs to be used with care or it can take away the beauty of a home.  Metals should be added in layers in limited quantities that blend well with other natural and  organic materials.

9. Neglecting details

Interior designers have a keen eye for detail. But common people often  neglect it which can be a simple decorative mistake. Every beautiful crafted interior design has  a significant role in detail for more intricate work. Otherwise, it can give mismatched design  and decor.

These 9 interior design mistakes can easily destroy your plan for a beautifully designed home. So, it  is important to hire a professional whose expertise and experience can benefit you. Casa Exotique luxury interior designers in gurgaon has a team of experts that can give shape to your dream home with the perfect interior  designs avoiding all sorts of common interior design mistakes. Its founder Bhawana Bhatnagar, is  known for her exquisite designs that are extraordinary and timeless.